Friday, March 24, 2017

Time does not belong in a bottle

What is Life? How does one live that Life?

Simple enuff questions yet very hard to answer.

How many times have you been too busy ~ so busy you missed

out on the actual living. Living is only as much as you notice around

you and with those you Love.

I have always been amazed at how at the death of someone people

finally have 'time' to give. They had no 'time' when the person was alive

so how do they think that sharing Life now when the person is dead

is any gift of themselves. Perhaps giving after the Life becomes then

a penetance gift which of course robs even the giver of the spirit of

genuineness ~ of Love.

It is too late then.

Take time and give time today for tomorrow is but a whisper in the wind

and yesterday a fart now blown away.

The gift you give of your time or the gift you receive of another's time

are the gifts of living. And that my Friends is Life.


Expounding on It

My Grandpa was a man of small gifts that gave even long after he was gone.

His 'time' was never so busy that he could not sit down and share even for

a few moments with a child who often was left out. He understood that

even the homeliest, most mistake ridden child needed to feel Loved.

He understood that giving that gift of feeling Loved meant simply taking

'time' and giving 'time'.

After my Grandpa was long gone his words stayed with me ~

time is the most valuable gift one can give to another and is

truly the essence of living Life.

How 'time' is used may make all the difference

in not only my own process of living but surely the process of others.

When I have wrapped myself in my own living ~ given little to no time

becuz I was too busy ~ the quality of Life was cheated far beyond

any accomplishment. The honor of a grant bestowed may be unknown

until the funeral service at which a few will only then discover. Time

at that point long gone does little to benefit the Soul. So it truly is in

the process of living Life that 'time' is a gift given and received.

The value of living Life is giving and receiving time which then fills the process

of living with Love. (or does it)

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