Showing posts with label self-examination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-examination. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Capturing a few Moments

(I just wanted to write this this morning so I could read it later when time had passed and I might need reminding again of just how blessed I really am no matter what. Sometimes the silly importance I place on myself and my day cloud the humble place of humanity that I am a part of that deserves more mindfulness like a forgotten breathing that keeps any human alive.)

Yesterday I took my 87 year old Mother out of the nursing home for a drive and an ice cream cone.  I had picked up my 97 year old Uncle and took him along.  What a great time the 3 of us had as we licked the cold ice cream and drove around remembering times gone by in the places we saw now.  Things change and so do we but our hearts just keep growing.  Our hearts have more room than a 12 bedroom mansion and land enoug to expand on and on.

It was convenient for me.  I had the time.  I did not have to work (summer break) and the weather was perfect temperature wise as well as with sunshine.  I had all my stuff done up at home.  I had finished my last painting.  The book I had been reading needed a break from my strained eyes.  So yup ~ convenient for me.  Nothing on my list of 'to dos' needed to be done right then and there and could wait.  It is afterall a matter of choices.

(  Of course I have to ask myself now ~ is it not all a matter of what I CHOOSE priority wise?   Convenience is not always going to come together and yet the lives I spend time with are not infinite and will end.  IF I truly believe what I say ~ that life is about connecting, communicating and caring then convenience be dayumed ~ choices made must include connecting and caring and communicating in spite of any personal convenience.  I am NOT that separately important that others come last rather than even second.  )

My Mother, although by her own choices, has not driven in years and for that matter has not cooked in years.  She depends upon others to do those things for her and basically has since at least 2008.   Now that does not negate the fact that she has dementia which has progressed rapidly since her two broken hips and made it impossible for her to live alone and drive herself around.  It does not mean that she does not enjoy getting out either.  It simply means it takes a little more effort to get her out and about from time to time.

In fact when I put myself in her shoes I am sad for how reduced her living is for her.  Imagine not having more than a 300 sq foot space at most to live.  Imagine having people always looking in on you with no concern for you having any real privacy or solitude. That is not to say they do not care because indeed they do and she does get wonderful care from all the staff there.  Imagine not being able to go outside the building unless someone takes you out.  I think of all the things that would be taken away from me to no longer be able to do and it leaves me wishing I could do more for and with my Mother.  I am truly grateful for the Nursing Home Caregivers for without their genuine care and love my Mother would surely be much worse off.  I know I am not able to care for my Mother 24 hours per day, seven days a week, 365 days per year ~ year after year after year.    So I am grateful that my Mother gets such loving care from so many Caregivers.

When I do do things for and with my Mother she is tremendously appreciative which is amazing to me in this day and age when I look around and see so much lack of appreciation let alone so much lack of care and compassion and empathy for one another even in the small little gestures within everyday life.  I forget far too often to be grateful and to simply reach out in kindnes to others if only with a smile or a few kind words.  sighs

In my current circumstances I could focus on all the hard, painful things or I can focus on just how blessed I am to be able to learn more compassion and empathy from what is happening around me and to others.  Life is about learning to love even in the hardships and in fact even more so during any perceived hardships.  I am still learning.  Thank Gawd.

In my family I have always been considered the black sheep.  I did not fall into lock step of all that was expected of me doing everything someone else's way.  When I made poor choices those were thrown back in my face not once but over and over like an accumulation of old crayons kept and counted for all these years. Broken and worn and worthless yet pulled out and counted to remind the craayons how useless they were along side of all the pretty, perfect crayons.

  The good things I had done got lost and were not acknowledged nor are any of those acknowledged today.  Instead today there is all kinds of suspect and betrayals and negative things said about me much of which is not even true or is twisted to fit other's agendas of hate and anger minus love.  BUT I will be dayumed if that all paralyzes me and stops me from being who I know I am and that is a loving person who cares and empathizes and wants to do what I can for others albeit those things may not be much at all.  I will be dayumed if I am left believing that somehow I can not do anything right no matter how hard I try.  I am capable of leaarning and trying even harder and I do.  I know how to reinvent myself and I have many times successfully in the past so I know I can yet again.  I am a good person.  I am a loving person.  I can go on.

My Mother has done what she could in her own way for many others ....... she needs to be heard now and things done with and for her in these last years of her life.  The 'bad' things are unimportant in the grand scheme of human life and all the good that she did and does do even now.  She still caares about others and I see it when I walk with her from her room to the dining area and she stops to hold a perso's hand who is nonverbal but still needs human touch.  I love my Mother for who she is.  I am blessed to still be learning lessons from her about kindness and love.  She is a human being having a human experience and we call that Life and living Life.  We all get to do that and so does she.

Now my thoughts turn to my Uncle.  He still lives in his own house.  He has had two good women in his adult life to love and they both are now gone.  He has lost many friends to death and yet has made many more friends.  He is a store of memories and when the conversation flows he draws on memories and shares.  Interesting and for me educational.  I am blessed to be able to hear whatever he is willing to share.
He walks very gingerly now and most often needs a walker or at the least a cane.  BUT he walks several blocks every morning which brings him right past my house.  He walks with his walker and although quite slowly he does walk.  He has health issues of course but he does not dwell on those.  He has cancer that he has lived with for over 15 years.  When I think about him and put myself in his shoes I realize he is a very strong yet very kind man who complains little.  I think to myself IF he can walk each day ~ so can I.  If he can be cheerful and caring of others in spite of many of his own hardships so can I.  He inspires me to get the hell up in the morning and keep going ~ not grudgingly and with drudge but cheerfully and with a lightness in my crippled steps.

I actually have very little material things.  When my Mother dies I will be homeless again and my few belongings will be on the street.  BUT I will be rich in lessons learned and love in my heart.  I truly do believe LOVE Always Wins!   With Love forever in my heart and as my guide I know I can pick myself up yet again, reinvent myself yet again and go on to the next chapter of this human life.  For now ~ I will be grateful for the time and energy I do have to learn from my Uncle and my Mother.  I am grateful for this Life right now.

(I note a couple of weeks ago I was kind of wallowing in feeling sorry for myself and wishing my Grandpa were here to give me sound strong advice.  He heard me and he gave it through my Mother and my Uncle and I only had to open my ears and eyes to my heart to hear and learn. I miss my Grandpa but I know in those still alive he lives and so do they. )

Sunday, March 26, 2017

sailing the seas of life (self examination)

In all of my life (when looking backwards at what has been) ~
what first comes back to me
is how much I failed
how bad I was there or there
how I lacked this or that in kindness
how I chose angry hurtful actions
over the understanding of self and others.

Some say you have to forgive yourself. 
 It just seems easier to forgive others and not forgive me.   I expected that I should have known yet somehow I did not.

I do not expect I know others well enough
that I can judge them in finality as 
wrong forever.
Any human being can 
improve and do better
if believed in!

Every bad choice I made was made (ignorantly perhaps at the time) out of concern for my self image that was ever so lacking only becuz I had not worked on my self in the area now poorly chosen.  It seems those bad choices then required I do further self examination.

 What does one do when they have examined and adjusted the sails of the ship but a little further on the voyage another ship comes by and yells with their bold beautiful white sails ~ "hey crappy, little dingy with the dirty sails you are going the wrong way!  May my wake punish you for a long time."  

(I have learned punishment does not exact correction but rather promotes angry hurt between both. Punishment does not solve or resolve. It does not build relationships and connections.)

 The initial reaction is to want to give up trying to be better.  BUT that only hurts this little dingy with the dirty sails.  So ~ this ship must go on.  This ship must remember that at the heart remains that LOVE that knows right from wrong and will guide in trimming sails and adjusting sails to sail on.  

I must keep trying for that is the process of living with the Heart of Love as the guide.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Time does not belong in a bottle

What is Life? How does one live that Life?

Simple enuff questions yet very hard to answer.

How many times have you been too busy ~ so busy you missed

out on the actual living. Living is only as much as you notice around

you and with those you Love.

I have always been amazed at how at the death of someone people

finally have 'time' to give. They had no 'time' when the person was alive

so how do they think that sharing Life now when the person is dead

is any gift of themselves. Perhaps giving after the Life becomes then

a penetance gift which of course robs even the giver of the spirit of

genuineness ~ of Love.

It is too late then.

Take time and give time today for tomorrow is but a whisper in the wind

and yesterday a fart now blown away.

The gift you give of your time or the gift you receive of another's time

are the gifts of living. And that my Friends is Life.


Expounding on It

My Grandpa was a man of small gifts that gave even long after he was gone.

His 'time' was never so busy that he could not sit down and share even for

a few moments with a child who often was left out. He understood that

even the homeliest, most mistake ridden child needed to feel Loved.

He understood that giving that gift of feeling Loved meant simply taking

'time' and giving 'time'.

After my Grandpa was long gone his words stayed with me ~

time is the most valuable gift one can give to another and is

truly the essence of living Life.

How 'time' is used may make all the difference

in not only my own process of living but surely the process of others.

When I have wrapped myself in my own living ~ given little to no time

becuz I was too busy ~ the quality of Life was cheated far beyond

any accomplishment. The honor of a grant bestowed may be unknown

until the funeral service at which a few will only then discover. Time

at that point long gone does little to benefit the Soul. So it truly is in

the process of living Life that 'time' is a gift given and received.

The value of living Life is giving and receiving time which then fills the process

of living with Love. (or does it)