Sunday, September 18, 2016

High expectations for my self

"Any situation that pushes my buttons is a situation where I do not yet have the capacity to be unconditionally loving."

When first I fail, I find myself disappointed in myself.  It takes me a while to realize that it is at those points where my buttons have been pushed that I have some more learning about love to do.

It is difficult to take a few steps back and process everything to then figure out how to reground myself in gentler ways of living, not only giving others those second, third and fourth chances, but giving myself the same.  If I can give others that many chances then surely I can allow myself another chance to learn and grow.

I tend to have very high expectations of myself where with any other I simply believe in their authentic abilities right off.  Being supportive of others comes so much easier for me.  BUT over the years I have learned that I am worth that support too.

Without lessons to be learned about love I guess life would be over.


My eyesight is so bad now that I am feeling enclosed/caged with walls of darkness closing in on me as a whole.  What is disconcerting to me is not only the time that I must wait before the surgery (it just seems so long off as my sight loses ground day by day) but the huge significant struggle to find anyone ~ anyone at all ~ who is willing to be not only my transport the day of the surgery but maybe allow me to squeeze their hand as my emotions well up right before going under.  Who would have imagined that no one had the time to take out for a day to help someone out?!

~ sighs ~

I am stressing out ....... and I wished it were not so.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

return to GWOL

GWOL = Gentler Ways of Living

Perception is a choice!

Will I see LOVE


will I see fear?

Perception shift ~ RETURN TO LOVE!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Breathe and say: THANK YOU

(I write this out of my own passion for positive change.)

Contributing to the appearance of entitlement is the disregard by many people today for common manners as evidenced by this observation:

There is a lack of acknowledgement of gifts received including thank you notes.  Short of a thank you note a time consuming 2 minute phone call to thank someone might be better than silence.  Does the giver have expectations?  Yes and I see nothing wrong with the giver having at the very least an expectation of hearing that the taker received the gift.  When a giver thinks of the taker is it so much for the taker to then think briefly of the gifter?  This is not about giving anonymously.  This is about gifts for holidays, weddings, birthdays etc.

We wonder why people are perceiving others as somehow 'acting entitled' and in my humble opinion a major factor is the lack of basic manners in a day and age when mobile humans are not always living next door to one another so can not physically give of a gift and take as the receiver when a smile and a verbal thank you could be exchanged.

People are only busy with busyness when it suits them as an excuse for their behavior.   I do not know any human who is so dayumed busy that they can not take 2 brief seconds to say thank you.   Thank you is a kindness that costs you darned near nothing than a breath.
Other people will use the dismissive excuse:  "Well what do you expect when they are raised like that!?"   I say bullshiot!  Many people were NOT raised to take advantage of others or ignore others. Many people were taught about "thank yous" but have since let it all slide away due to lazy unwillingness to maintain connections even when they are personally benefiting.  They have chosen to act like that and for many reasons that are beyond how they were raised.

A 'Thank You' brings in an attitude of gratitude which then allows love to shine.  The giver already has shone with love and the taker now has an opportunity to do the same at no cost other than that breath before the words and the exhale after the words.

In the classroom I do not miss the opportunity to remind about thanking others with a smile.  What I observe is that in those classrooms where we do that, there is an overall difference in the atmosphere.

 I love all the young people I work with and their openness to change.   I believe in their hearts!

"A THANK YOU never killed anyone.  A Genuine THANK YOU benefits everyone!"  ~KateyB